EXEO EXEO Group,Inc Sustainability Website

Work-life balance

Basic approach

We are also engaged in various activities to reduce overall work hours and create physically and mentally healthy, efficient workplaces. We are reducing unnecessary and non-urgent overtime hours by ensuring that meetings are held at the beginning and end of work. In addition to activities in the everyday work environment such as diligently enforcing no-overtime day once per week, we are also promoting the use of annual paid leave days in combination with long holidays such as Japan’s “Golden Week” from the end of April to early May, summer holidays, and year-end/new-year holidays.

Systems to support a diverse range of human resources

Main systems Details
Paid leave Leave can be taken in daily, half-daily, or hourly increments
Support system for working while receiving medical treatment Employees who are receiving repeated or ongoing treatment for ailments such as cancer, stroke, heart disease, diabetes, hepatitis, or intractable disease, and employees undergoing fertility treatment, may use special leave, accumulated leave, shortened working hours schemes, and shift changes.
Different start and finish time system System to change work allocation, monthly flexible working hours system, modified rest period system, modified weekly days off system
Flexible working hours system Within the scope of total scheduled working hours, working hours that exceed the scheduled working hours in a single day can be set
Telework system Work from home, work from satellite offices, and mobile work
Area career path system Systems limited to regional employees (no out-of-area transfers)
Senior employment system System for reemploying retirees following mandatory retirement (until the end of the month in which an employee reaches 65 years of age)
After 65 years of age, employees may be hired as contract employees
A former employees reemployment system to hire former employees who have resigned due to personal reasons such as relocation of a family member due to job transfer, marriage, child-birth, and nursing care
Maiden name usage system With the exception of procedures requiring an employee to use their legal name, employees may use their maiden internally
Housekeeping service Housekeeping services are available with employee discounts

Supporting the balance between work and home

To ensure that employees can achieve a balance between work and child-rearing or work and family caregiving, regardless of gender and continue to work and achieve success with peace of mind for as long as possible, we have established balance support schemes that go beyond statutory requirements. Specifically, we have improved our parenting support systems such as for payments of allowances for returning to work early, and we introduced Special Treatment Leave which can also be used for fertility treatment as well as a reduced work hours system for undergoing medical treatments, as we have striven to give employees what they need to balance work with parenting.

We are actively enhancing systems and holding briefings to achieve the targets in the action plan (Seventh Action Plan) that we formulated in April 2022 pursuant to the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children. We have introduced company-led childcare facilities along with a babysitter system, and are actively providing consultations from midwives as we work to develop environments that make it easy for employees to strike a balance between their jobs and parenting responsibilities, regardless of gender.

In 2015, we earned the Kurumin Mark, an accreditation from the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare recognizing companies providing support for childcare.

Kurumin Mark from the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare
Kurumin Mark from the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare

General Employer Action Plan based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children

  • Achieve 20% rate of male employees taking childcare leave
  • Maintain childcare leave usage rate of at least 90% among female employees
  • Effectively communicate guidance about how to use the System for Balancing Medical Treatment with Work which was newly established in April 2022, and about the related procedures

Plan period: April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2026 (4 years)

Data on childcare leave

(April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023)

Male Female
Total number of employees eligible for childcare leave 78 9
Total number of employees who have taken childcare leave 14 9
Percentage of employees taking childcare leave 17.5% 100%
Total number of employees who have returned to work after childcare leave 11 7
Return to work rate of employees after childcare leave 100% 100%
Total number of employees enrolled at the end of 12 months after returning to work* 7/8 12/12
Retention rate of employees after childcare leave 87.5% 100%
Average number of days of childcare leave taken 52.8 342.4

* Total includes employees who returned to work between April 1, 2022, and March 31, 2023. (Exeo Group, Inc. )

List of childcare support schemes

Types of Leave Statutory requirements Eligible employees Details
Healthcare system during pregnancy and after childbirth female
  • Medical checkups, etc. (hospital visits during pregnancy)
  • Rest periods during pregnancy
  • Hospital visits following childbirth, etc.
  • Relaxation of commuting requirements
  • Symptoms, etc. during pregnancy and within one year of childbirth
Special childbirth leave female
Female employees: 8 weeks before childbirth and 8 weeks after childbirth
Male employees: 5 days
Childcare leave system female
Up to the day before a child’s first birthday
Note 1 For Mom & Dad Childcare Leave Plus, up to one year during the period until the child reaches one year and two months of age
Note 2 When circumstances prescribed separately apply, until the child reaches one year and six months of age (up to the day the child reaches two years of age at the latest)
male When requested generally up to two weeks in advance, up to four weeks of post-childbirth “Dad Childcare Leave” (childcare leave at birth) may be taken within the period of eight weeks after the birth of the child.
This leave may be divided into two separate durations within that span if requested altogether at the outset.
Employees may also report to work during periods of leave by entering into a labor-management agreement.
Special childcare leave female Two 30-minute sessions per day for a female employee raising an infant less than one year of age (one-hour sessions for twins)
Special nursing leave female
Up to five days per year (or up to ten days for two or more children) up to a cumulative total of 35 days (or up to 70 days for two or more children) can be taken until the child (ren) reach the third year of elementary school.
Can be taken in half-day or hourly increments (including as intervals between working hours)
Shortened working hours for childcare scheme, etc. female
  • Modified start times for employees raising children
  • Exemption from late night work for employees raising children
  • Limitations on overtime work for employees raising children
  • Exemption from non-scheduled work for employees raising children

Note Available until children reach the third year of elementary schoo

Support allowance for early return after childcare leave female A monthly allowance is paid to female employees (company employees) who have made an early return to work within one year and three months from the month following their return to work until the month in which their child has reached two years of age
Support for employees returning from childcare leave female
Interviews: From one month before taking leave to one month after returning to work
Company-led childcare center female
Partnerships with company-led childcare centers across Japan
Company-organized babysitters female
We offer discount tickets for the babysitter dispatch service operated by the All Japan Childcare Services Association

List of caregiving support schemes

Types of Leave Statutory requirements Details
Special caregiving leave Up to 5 days per fiscal year
Caregiving leave system Can be taken in half-day or hourly increments (including as intervals between working hours)
Shortened working hours for caregiving and other work hour schemes May be taken up to three separate times for a maximum cumulative total of one year (365 days)

Support for balancing work with medical treatment

We have established a new support system for balancing work with medical treatment so employees can continue working with vitality even while undergoing treatments. In addition to treatment of diseases, applicable treatments also include fertility treatment, and we are working to support parents in raising the next generation.

Specifically, our support includes making it possible to receive allocations of special leave of absence, take accumulated annual paid leave, and use the reduced work hours system, telework system, and shift changes to be able to receive proper treatment. Through diverse work styles, we actively support our motivated employees in balancing their medical treatments with work so they can thrive in the workplace.

Side-job system

We have implemented a side-job system. Through this system, employees are able to work outside the company (side-job application system) and we are also accepting employees to work with us as a side-job. We believe that our employees with external side jobs can advance their own career development by acquiring in-depth expertise and new perspectives through various experiences outside the Group, with which they can achieve further success in their current roles.

Side-job system usage

FY2021 FY2022
Employees working outside side jobs 1 4
Acceptances of personnel as a side job 1 5