Contributions to local communities
Domestic initiatives
Work Experience Session Held for Students from a Technical High School in Saitama
As part of our efforts to promote students’ understanding of the information and communication industry and contribute to local communities, we are holding work experience sessions for students of the Information and Communications Department of Kawaguchi Technical High School of Saitama Prefecture. The sessions feature practical learning for students to interactively experience the latest construction worksites for telecommunication facilities. This includes lectures by our employees on telecommunications mechanisms and initiatives for the National Skills Competition, as well as hands-on practice in fusion splicing and enclosing optical fiber, test rides on elevated work platforms, entering manholes, and making coaxial connectors for TVs.
The session held in had a two-day schedule, and around 70 high school students participated.
Co-sponsorship of KOSEN Wireless Tech Contest (WiCON)
We are a platinum cosponsor of the KOSEN Wireless Tech Contest 2023 (WiCON2023), a wireless technology contest organized by Communications and Information Network Association of Japan whose competitors are students from technical colleges all around the country (hereinafter “KOSEN”).
The goal of the contest is to solve communities’ problems and create businesses and services rooted in these communities by developing wireless technology experts at community-based KOSEN institutions around the country that develop sophisticated technologies, and by utilizing the technological skills of KOSEN students who are proficient in manufacturing and utilizing their ingenious ideas. This is a goal that we wholeheartedly support, and our sponsorship of this contest is one of our contributions toward solving problems in communities and developing human resources capable of creating the future.

Overseas initiatives
Training support for telecommunication engineers and operators in Asia
On November 29, Telecom For Basic Human Needs (BHN)* conducted training for the development of optical access construction engineers at the Central Technical Training Center in Wako, Saitama. There were seven trainees from six countries in Asia (Bangladesh, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Philippines, and Sri Lanka), and our employees served as lecturers at this training which was one of the second-half training activities of the 23rd BHN Human Resource Development Program.
Through the BHN Human Resource Development Program, BHN provides training for the development of expertise and the acquisition of wide-ranging knowledge, a good sense of balance and international sensibilities to hopeful participating trainees involved in government or operations in the telecommunications field in each country in Asia.
* It was established in September 1992 with the goal of supporting the self-help efforts of developing countries for the achievement of basic human needs (BHN) by leveraging technologies that have been accumulated within the telecommunication industry by NTT and other related parties. It provides cooperation for regional development, support for medical institutions (telecom humanitarian support) in developing countries, emergency assistance to victims of large-scale disasters and conflict refugees, human resource development involving parties connected to telecommunications in developing countries, etc.

Subsidiary DeClout Pte. Ltd. participated in Singapore-Industry Scholarship*
Our subsidiary, DeClout Pte. Ltd. headquartered in Singapore held an awards ceremony for the Singapore-Industry Scholarship (SgIS) program for which it has participated as a sponsor company since 2018. DeClout CEO Vesmond Wong attended the ceremony and presented the SgIS Awards to winning students in 2022.
Sponsor companies provide scholarships to students who wish to participate in this program. Selected students strive to develop their core skills and competencies through internships at sponsor companies and other programs. After graduation, they can choose to start their careers at the sponsor companies.
DeClout will continue this initiative and contribute to the development of the next generation of leaders.
*SgIS is the only multi-industry scholarship in partnership with the Singapore Government, offering Singapore Citizens scholarships at different stages of their university education, locally and overseas.

Initiatives by Group companies
Participating in pine forest restoration and conservation activities in the city of Itoshima, Fukuoka (Seibu Electric Industry)
Since 2015, Group company Seibu Electric Industry Co., Ltd. (head office: city of Fukuoka) has been participating in the “Itoshima Pine Forest Conservation Adapt Project” as an initiative to facilitate communication with the local community and help them solve problems. Through this project, Group employees and their families, Group alumni circles, and others engage in cleaning and beautification activities in pine forests.
This project divides city-owned forest at Fukui seaside as well as city-owned and national forest at Niginohama into many different zones, and aims to nurture (adapt) each of them. Acting as “foster parents” of the pine forests, companies and citizens engage in cleaning and beautification of their “foster child” pine forests. Seibu Electric Industry participates in this project as one of the “foster parents” and contributes to the conservation of the pine forest.

Contributing to social services through fund raising and food banks (C-Cube)
C-Cube Corporation (head office: city of Nagoya) has established fund collection boxes at each of its offices and engages in year-round fund raising activities. Money raised is donated to groups such as social services organizations to contribute to the betterment of social services.
They also donate unused disaster supplies with approaching expiration dates to NPOs and actively engage in food bank activities.