EXEO EXEO Group,Inc Sustainability Website

Health and productivity management

Productivity Management Declaration & Basic Policy

The Group aims to create safe, highly appealing workplaces with job satisfaction and to maintain and improve the health of all employees performing the operations of the Group, for the sake of the physical and mental health of each and every employee, and for higher productivity, better work efficiency, and the ongoing growth of the company.
Based on this approach, on April 1, 2024 we established the Exeo Group Health & Productivity Management Declaration.

Exeo Group Health & Productivity Management Declaration

In order to achieve our Group philosophy of “Cultivating technological capabilities, seeking affluence, and contributing to society” and our purpose “Bring the benefits of connectivity to all,” Exeo Group, Inc. and Group companies declare that we shall prioritize the safety and health of each individual employee and engage in health and productivity management with the aim of building workplace environments where all employees performing the operations of the Group can be physically and mentally healthy and feel energized on the job.

Tetsuya Funabashi
President & CEO
Exeo Group, Inc.

Exeo Group Health & Productivity Management Basic Policy

We consider the health of all employees performing the operations of the Group and their families to be a precious asset. Placing high importance on the health of all employees, we aim to create environments that enable each of them to think about their own mental and physical health and take action accordingly.
We will also work from the health perspective on creating systems and culture that enable every employee to sufficiently harness their capabilities and achieve a good balance of job satisfaction and comfort, which will in turn energize and improve the productivity of our organizations.

  • Support for maintaining and improving the health of all employees performing the operations of the Group and their families
  • Improving lifestyle habits by improving health literacy
  • Growing the company by achieving well-being


We will engage in health and productivity management by building an implementation team to work on putting health and productivity management into practice, with the President and CEO as the lead person in charge of health and productivity management. Appointing a person in charge of health and productivity management in the Human Resources Department, we will work together with the health insurance association, industrial physicians, and the labor union on activities for the health maintenance and improvement of all employees and their families.



Main initiatives

Improving lifestyle habits Promoting the undergoing of secondary checkups and raising awareness through specific health guidance & health improvement seminars
Mental health measures Improvements through group analyses of stress checks, support by industrial physicians, better communication (one-on-one)
Promoting exercise Organizing events to promote exercise (walking events, supporting club activities)
Initiatives for specific topics Support for quitting smoking, sleeping, and dietary habits, and for health issues particular to women
Family health Encouraging health checkups for dependents, promoting participation in walking events, family participation in seminars

Reducing long working hours

As initiatives to reduce long work hours we are visualizing scheduled and actual overtime work hours using a system and working to standardize operations. At the same time, we are proactively reducing overall annual work hours by improving productivity through DX implementation. As part of our initiatives to achieve a healthy work-life balance, we also seek to develop a comfortable work environment for employees by setting annual targets for use of paid leave, promoting consecutive days of leave by combining annual paid leave with long holidays, summer holidays, year-end/new-year holidays, and designating a no overtime day for each week.

For employees who have worked long hours, we provide consultations with corporate doctors (6 times each month) and apply measures such as health guidance and work restrictions based on the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare’s “Comprehensive Measures for Preventing Health Problems Caused by Overwork.” For employees who require consultations, we draft improvement plans for each individual. We also identify the causes of their overwork, consider measures in response, and implement those measures.

Helping employees maintain and improve physical and mental health

In cooperation with Exeo’s health insurance association, we seek to help our employees and their family members manage and improve their health by conducting regular health checkups and comprehensive medical examinations of our employees, as well as better health seminars and campaigns to promote walking among employees and their family members.
As part of work style reforms, we are also making efforts to reduce overall work hours and promote usage of paid vacation. Concurrently, we are working together with corporate doctors to deploy various measures geared toward both physical and mental health.


Mental healthcare initiatives

We encourage employees to take notice of their own stress and strive to create comfortable work environments based on information we are aware of about employees suffering from stress, in addition to making efforts to prevent any mental health disorders among employees.

In health guidance by corporate doctors, we provide consultations for those working long hours, offer support to address the results of health checkups, offer health guidance on a per-organization basis, and provide consultations upon returning to work from medical leave, assisting in prevention while also providing support. We have also established help counters operated by outside specialist institutions for health, medical treatments, childcare, caregiving, and more.

Aside from these, we also administer stress checks for all employees of Exeo Group, Inc. Our rate of administering these stress checks in fiscal 2023 was 100%.