External evaluation
SBT validation
In July 2024, we received SBT Validation from the international Science Based Targets (SBT) initiative organization for our greenhouse gas reduction target for 2030 as a target based on scientific evidence.

The CDP is a London-based international non-governmental organization (NGO) that gathers and analyzes information on the environmental activities of the world’s leading companies and rates them accordingly. We have received their “A-” rating, which is the second highest.

Nadeshiko Brand
The Group has been recognized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Tokyo Stock Exchange for three consecutive years, with selection as a Nadeshiko Brand in 2020 and as a Semi-Nadeshiko Brand in 2021 and 2022.

Our efforts to develop environments that make it easy for employees to strike a balance between their jobs and parenting responsibilities regardless of gender were recognized in 2015 when we earned the Kurumin Mark, an accreditation from the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare recognizing companies providing support for childcare.

Our efforts to support the career advancement of women were recognized in 2016 when we were awarded the Eruboshi certification by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare.

The Group was awarded the highest designation “Best Workplace for Diversity & Inclusion” in D&I Award 2022*1 which recognizes the efforts of companies that strive toward diversity and inclusion.
*1 Operated by JobRainbow

Digital Transformation Certification
Exeo Group was recognized as a certified DX (digital transformation) operator in March 2022 based on the Digital Transformation Certification System of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

The Group received silver certification in the PRIDE Index 2022*2 that evaluates workplace initiatives related to LGBTQ and other sexual minorities.
*2 Formulated by volunteer nonprofit organization “work with Pride”

Top Hundred Telework Pioneer
The Group was selected in fiscal 2018 as a “Top Hundred Telework Pioneer,” one of the companies and organizations recognized by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications as having achieved sufficient introduction and utilization of telework.

Nikkei Smart Work
We achieved a 4 star rating in the 6th Nikkei Smart Work Management Survey, which recognizes companies that are utilizing human resources to their maximum potential and thus pioneering innovation and new markets by creating diverse, flexible work styles.