Diversity & inclusion
Basic approach
Based on our Diversity & Inclusion Declaration which the Group announced in November 2017, we are working to create a company culture in which human resources with diverse personalities can harness their capabilities.
Diversity & inclusion declaration
Diversity means variety. In other words, promoting diversity in an organization is a strategy to harness the abilities of various human resources to the fullest. With the aim of quickly and flexibly meeting the diversifying needs of our customers, expanding our business, and boosting performance, we are fostering a culture as Team Exeo that promotes mutual acceptance among people of diverse values regardless of gender, beliefs, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or other such attributes, and leads to new value creation free from conventional norms or stereotypes while continuously growing both as individuals and as an organization. Diversity promotion does not aim for any particular goal. We aim for the true meaning of diversity and inclusion, to energize organizations with new ideas derived from diverse feelings and values that enable organizations to generate innovation.
Tetsuya Funabashi President and CEO
Supporting women’s career advancement
We have formulated an action plan in accordance with the Act on the Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace and publish related information including numerical targets in addition to actively hiring women—which will also enable us to achieve these targets. In order to develop future female executives, the Diversity Promotion Office, Human Resources Department, and our various departments are also working together on promoting initiatives to develop female managers, including considerations for creating development plans.
We also changed the name of our promoters for women’s career advancement, initiated in 2017 to “diversity promoters” in order to pursue D&I from a broader range of perspectives throughout the Group as a whole. Both men and women are being selected by departments and branches as their diversity promoters to engage in activities that get their workplaces involved.
Additionally, we engage in various measures aimed at raising the awareness of our female employees, such as training courses together with superiors for working together with unified purpose, social events with female employees of other companies, and events geared toward all of our female employees, as we create opportunities for women to thrive and provide them with support.
As a result of these efforts, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare recognized Exeo Group, Inc. in 2016 with its Eruboshi certification, which is awarded to companies for outstanding efforts to support the career development of women. We have also received recognition from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Tokyo Stock Exchange for three consecutive years, as a Nadeshiko Brand in 2020 and as a Semi-Nadeshiko Brand in 2021 and 2022. These certifications are awarded to listed companies in recognition of their efforts to support the career advancement of women.
General Employers Action Plan based on the Act on the Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace and our progress
Plan period: April 1, 2021–March 31, 2026 (5 years)
As of the end of March, 2021 | As of the end of March, 2024 | Target at the end of March, 2026 | |
Number of women in management positions | 20 | 35 | 1.5 times (30) |
Number of female employees | 307 | 343 | 25% increase (384) |
Percentage of male employees taking childcare leave | 7.3% | 32.9% | 20% |

Promoting the employment of people with disabilities
To ensure that all people can demonstrate their capabilities and aptitude to the fullest extent and lead active, fulfilling lives regardless of whether or not they have disabilities, Exeo Group, Inc. actively pursues the employment of people with disabilities. Employees of the Diversity Promotion Office have completed disabled person occupational and lifestyle counsellor certification courses, carefully gather information about desired workplace, occupation, skills, and disability considerations when employees are hired, and strive to match employees with the right organization. Even after an employee has joined the company we regularly follow up on the individual and their assigned department and make every effort to ensure they are able to succeed in a reassuring environment. We work to create new occupational fields so that persons with all kinds of disabilities can flourish while making active efforts to hire people with specialist skills.
We also provide training to promote deeper understanding of people with disabilities for employees who work with them and for management teams, managers, and others, including at Group companies.
Percentage of employees with disabilities
(As of March 31, 2024)
Exeo Group, Inc. | 2.39% |
C-Cube Corporation | 1.38% |
Seibu Electric Industry Co., Ltd. | 2.94% |
Nippon Dentsu Co., Ltd. | 2.68% |
Daiwa Dentsu Corporation | 2.93% |
Exeo Tech Corporation | 2.05% |
Rehiring of retirees
In order to make use of the skills and experience gained over the years by employees who are motivated to work after retirement, we have a system to rehire retirement-age employees, a registered employee system to hire retired employees on a temporary basis, and a system to rehire former employees who have left the company due to family circumstances such as family relocation, marriage, childbirth, and nursing care. These systems provide opportunities for diverse work styles.
These efforts are helping to secure our technological capabilities for the future and ensure that we are able to pass on our skills.
Life plan seminars
The Group holds seminars for employees at the ages of 53 and 54 to help them design their postretirement life with a deeper understanding and awareness so that they can lead materially, physically, and mentally healthy lifestyles. We also hold seminars for employees at the age of 58 and 59 to deepen their understanding of post-retirement social security and pension fund systems.
In fiscal 2022, we began holding seminars to inform employees in their forties about our internal systems for post-retirement age and about the social security and pension fund systems at an earlier stage than before in their careers. This guidance aims to enable them to enjoy more fulfilling second careers post-retirement through better planning.
Hiring foreign nationals
In order to promote global business, especially in the Asia region, and to internationalize and invigorate the company, we are actively hiring foreign students who are expected to be active both in Japan and abroad. In fiscal 2023, we hired one foreign national new graduate and three mid-career foreign nationals.
In addition to hiring foreign exchange students, in fiscal 2022, we hired five employees with specialized skills who have Philippines nationality. We will continue to pursue diversity in our hiring going forward.
Training for management & managers
Training is conducted starting from upper levels of the company to foster an understanding of the importance of diversity promotion as a management strategy and to recognize issues the company faces in doing so. In training aimed at executives and managers, attendees learn about management techniques for diverse human resources and approaches for supporting career development. This knowledge is then put into practice in the workplace. Moving forward, we will expand the scope to include a wider range of employees and conduct training that fosters a culture that promotes the mutual acceptance and utilization of a diverse range of values.
As a result of these efforts, our company received bronze certification in the PRIDE Index 2020 and a silver certification in the fiscal 2021, 2022 and 2023 versions of this index established by the organization “work with Pride” to evaluate workplace initiatives related to LGBTQ and other sexual minorities. Aside from that, we were awarded the highest possible rank “Best Workplace for Diversity & Inclusion” for two consecutive years in fiscal 2021, 2022 and 2023 by the D&I Award which recognizes companies making admirable efforts toward diversity and inclusion.

Diversity promotion training
Content of training | Number of sessions |
Diversity promotion training for management level*1 | 5 |
Diversity management training for managers | 31 |
Diversity management training for newly appointed managers | 5 |
Training for female leaders | 6 |
Career design training for women | 6 |
Diversity training for new recruits | 7 |
LGBTQ training*1*2 | 7 |
Training to promote understanding of people with disabilities*1 | 5 |
*1 Including Group companies *2 Overlaps with training for management level