EXEO EXEO Group,Inc Sustainability Website

Discussions with shareholders and investors

We disclose information about our Group in a fair, timely, and appropriate manner while also proactively engaging in IR activities that are easy to understand with the aim of promoting understanding of our Group among shareholders, investors, and all other stakeholders, and earning fair evaluations and trust from them.

Organizational system for IR activities

Three dedicated personnel for IR are assigned to the Corporate Communications Office of the Corporate Planning Division, where they engage in daily IR activities. Additionally, the President and CEO, General Manager of the Corporate Planning Division, and other executives attend financial results briefings and various other events and engage in dialogues whenever necessary.

We also facilitate cooperation to promote dialogues with the Corporate Planning Division, Accounts & Finance Division, Risk Management Division, and other related divisions, business divisions, and subsidiaries of the Group to ensure the effectiveness of our IR activities.

State of IR activities

In our everyday IR activities, we actively engage in individual interviews with both sell-side and buy-side analysts. For overseas shareholders and investors with whom we cannot easily communicate on an everyday basis, we are also increasing our dialogue by participating in conferences hosted by securities companies and making individual visits. We also actively organize events such as financial results briefings. Descriptions of our main activities during fiscal 2023 are as shown in the table below.

Additionally, from the perspective of fair disclosures, we are continuously disclosing not only legally mandated disclosures such as financial results summaries on our website, but also various other types of IR materials such as financial results briefing materials, supplemental financial results materials, monthly order status tables, and more. At the same time, we have also created an English language site for overseas shareholders and investors, which displays virtually the same information as shown on the Japanese site.

Activities in fiscal 2023

Meeting Speaker Number of times, etc.
Financial results briefings President and CEO 2
Small meetings President and CEO 7
Individual meetings General Manager of Corporate Planning Division 24
Outside Directors 1
IR representative 136
ESG meetings Head of relevant division or organization 3
Attend conferences hosted by securities companies President and CEO 1 (6 sessions)
Visit overseas investors
(including online)
President and CEO 2 (15 sessions)
General Manager of Corporate Planning Division 1 (7 sessions)
Individual investor briefings for shareholders IR representative 2
Business briefings IR representative 1

Providing feedback internally

Results of dialogues in IR activities and various reports written by outside analysts are provided as feedback to relevant organizational heads and others on a regular basis. We are also continuously working to provide reports to the Board of Directors on what transpired in financial results briefings and overseas investor visits in particular, and utilize the information for discussions in the Board of Directors by also sharing it with outside directors.
Particularly regarding capital policy, we have held discussions referencing opinions shared by stakeholders and customers in the Board of Directors and other meetings, and these have been reflected in actions such as cancellations of treasury shares that began in fiscal 2021.
We are also utilizing comments received externally to further enhance our IR activities such as the one-on-one meetings with outside directors held at the request of institutional investors in fiscal 2023.

Shareholders’ meeting

The Company views the meeting as an important forum for communicating with its shareholders, and engages in initiatives accordingly including the following.

Designation of a quiet period

We have designated the four weeks leading up to the day of our financial results announcement as a quiet period in order to prevent leakages of information that could impact our stock price and to ensure fairness. During this period, we refrain from responding to comments and questions pertaining to our financial results. However, if we find during the quiet period that our actual earnings forecast differs from the forecast we had announced by an amount greater than what is specified in the Timely Disclosure Rules, we will swiftly disclose that information.