EXEO EXEO Group,Inc Sustainability Website

Fair evaluations and treatment

Discussions with superiors

As a system to reward employees for their efforts by fairly evaluating outcomes, employees hold bi-annual discussions with their superiors to discuss their progress and achievement of self-established goals. We are helping to ensure the evaluations are convincing by providing feedback on the results of the evaluations to employees.

In addition, all employees are given an opportunity to talk with their supervisors once a year about their job satisfaction, career plans and other matters. The Group aims for a 100% implementation rate of discussions with superiors, and we have achieved this goal for four consecutive years starting in fiscal 2019.

Discussion schedule

Discussion schedule

Work attitude survey

We are conducting our Work Attitude Survey for all Group employees to investigate their attitudes toward working and their overall job satisfaction, and analyze the factors having an impact while also utilizing the information for future measures. Survey responses are anonymous, and there are questions on a total of 48 topics with attributes related to “job” and “workplace” for each question type. The Human Resources Department tabulates the results of the survey by company, department, and branch, and analyzes the trends and movements in each section

Among the 18,051 eligible employees for the fiscal 2023 survey, responses were received from 14,496 (response rate: 80.3%).

Cooperation between organizations

Whenever cooperation takes place in engineering or technology between organizations within the Group and our four major companies and EDS, we report and share those details in monthly internal meetings (business execution meetings) as we strive to promote cooperation and coordination between Group entities.