Occupational safety and health
Management policy
The Group advocates “thorough work safety and helping employees maintain and improve physical and mental health” as the occupational safety and health management policy of the Exeo Group Management System Policies.
Based on this policy, we have defined four priority measures and are working together as a whole to achieve relevant goals.
Occupational safety and health management policy
Thorough work safety and helping employees maintain and improve physical and mental health
- Ensuring that safe construction cycles are followed and instilled
- Implementing measures to prevent the occurrence of bodily injury accidents that absolutely cannot occur
- Implementing work-life management (reducing overall work hours)
- Preventing health problems resulting from overwork and providing extensive mental health care
We practice occupational safety and health with the general manager of Safety and Quality Management Headquarters serving as general manager of occupational safety and health. Regarding health, the general manager of Human Resources Department also serves as general manager of health management.
For internal audits pertaining to our status in these areas, the Safety Center Director implements management inspections/on-site inspections and reports the results to representatives of the Group.
Occupational safety and health management structure
Managerial post | Applicable job title | Role |
Group representative | President |
General manager of occupational safety and health management | General Manager of Safety and Quality Management Headquarters |
General manager of health supervision | General Manager of Human Resources Department |
Supervisor of occupational safety and health | Head of each organization |
Manager of occupational safety and health | General managers of safety and quality control and of general affairs at each organization |
Manager of internal audits | Safety Center Director |
Financial losses from legal proceedings
There were no financial losses in fiscal 2023 resulting from legal proceedings related to accidents or allegations pertaining to faultiness or safety.
Occurrence of occupational accidents
Additionally, the occupational accident rates in Exeo Group, Inc. in 2023 were 0.37 frequency rate and 0.01 severity rate. We will continue working with a strong sense of determination to maintain these numbers at low levels.
Breakdown of occupational accidents (FY2023)

Training & development
The Group conducts occupational safety and health training according to job responsibility. We conduct new on-site leader training for employees who have been newly appointed as construction managers at worksites. In fiscal 2023 we had 88 employees receive this training. Also, for employees who already have experience as construction managers we conduct mid-level on-site leader training. In fiscal 2023 we had 73 employees receive this training.
We conduct foreman training for foremen who directly oversee operators at worksites, which 1,848 employees received in fiscal 2023.
Instilling a safety and quality-oriented culture internally
The Group strives on a daily basis to prevent the occurrence of bodily injuries and equipment accidents at construction worksites by taking every possible initiative to ensure safety and quality, and by strengthening management.
Since 2016, we have been working to create systems for each and every employee to understand the importance of safety and quality and put it into practice in their behavior, under the slogan “return to the basics of a safety and quality-oriented culture.” Then, with the five-year slogan of “evolve (enhance/develop) our safety and quality-oriented culture” starting in fiscal 2021, we are bolstering our efforts to improve quality and create added value in addition to eliminating accidents, with the aim of being “a company and group that can be relied on for safety and security.” As for measures to mitigate safety risks, we are eliminating and revamping dangerous work and giving primary consideration to eliminating and mitigating risks starting in the work planning stages (essential measures), while prioritizing facilities-related measures (engineering measures) including for heavy machinery.
We are also deploying network cameras and other ICT to make communication between worksites and desks more efficient and deliver better support, and we are actively taking management measures such as human resources development for foremen and others in charge at worksites.
In addition, we are also focusing on measures to form habits of safe behavior by actively uncovering and publicizing cases deserving recognition through more extensive conversational patrols. Having acquired certification for our occupational health and safety management system and quality management system, we are continuously engaged in improving our safety and quality.
Initiatives to promote a safety and quality-oriented culture
Human error countermeasures (Aruaru-kun) launched
In 2003, we introduced an information-gathering system called “Aruaru-kun” with the aim of predicting and taking countermeasures for disasters that may occur in the future, as well as raising safety awareness among front-line workers by collecting information about near-miss experiences and analyzing them to obtain more universal hazard information.
Going forward, we are planning improvements to give operators a more heightened perception of risks on the job by linking the near-miss data with data from case examples of past accidents and combining it with visual information.
Ironclad Safety Rules established and introduced in the telecommunications construction industry
In 2008, in order to eliminate accidents such as personal and equipment accidents, the entire telecommunications construction industry formulated the Ironclad Safety Rules mainly based on lessons learned from past incidents. Ironclad Safety Rules were proposed as a system for “stopping at the first sign of danger” during construction at customer premises. These were implemented in 2009 as a joint effort with our customers and the telecommunications construction industry.
At present, we are implementing hazard prediction (“kiken yochi” (KY) in Japanese) activities at each worksite in advance, and the “Stop & Look” campaign to stop between jobs and resolve any questions before proceeding.
Selected as an excellent project in the MHLW’s Visible Safety Activities Contest
“Visualization to Prevent Incorrect Application of Wire Rope Slings” by the Togane Technology Center of Group company Shinyei Tsushin Co., Ltd. was selected as an excellent project in the Visible Safety Activities Contest held in fiscal 2023 by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. The project was recognized as an initiative that made it easy to know at a glance whether safety is secured, and which is also highly reproducible.
We will continue digging up safety activity-related idea proposals from worksites and sharing them within the Group as we work to instill a safety and quality-oriented culture internally.
President safety patrols
We conduct president safety patrols in which our president and other management visit worksites to inspect safety. In fiscal 2022, patrols were conducted at more than 20 construction worksites and offices on February 1, 2023.