Message from the President

Leveraging “connectivity” to boost our capability to deliver solutions for social issues seeking to further boost the value of our business
In May 2023, we announced our materiality, the key issues on which we should focus our efforts as a corporate group. We have positioned “solutions to social issues” as our universal mission in order to achieve the four visions for society advocated in our 2030 Vision announced in 2021.
I believe that this clarification of our materiality will enable us to form a shared awareness within the Group of what kind of group we want to be and what we should pursue to accomplish this mission, while giving our stakeholders a better understanding as well.
In the materiality that we identified, we expressed the value that our Group creates as “connectivity through engineering that generates solutions to social issues.” In the approximately 70 years since its founding, our Group has been leveraging the diverse experience, knowledge, and skills accumulated through the business of building telecommunications infrastructure to expand our business domain. The driving force behind that is the benefits of connectivity linking businesses with businesses and people with people. “Connectivity” is also a keyword in our purpose which we announced in May 2022, to “Bring the benefits of connectivity to all,” and I believe that it expresses the meaning of our social existence.
What we particularly emphasized in identifying our materiality was to include and integrate broad perspectives as much as possible. When determining these issues, we referred to international guidelines such as the GRI Standards and SASB Standards, while also organizing workshops for participation by Group companies and business divisions to hold successive discussions about what is important for our Group and society to be able to grow sustainably. Incorporating the opinions expressed by external stakeholders and outside officers into these as well, we ultimately decided on the materiality at a meeting of the Board of Directors.
Going forward, we plan to link each of these key issues to our actual business activities and determine the specific items to work toward. At the same time, we will set KPIs for the quantifiable items and manage the progress of the related activities. Rather than keeping these items fixed, we plan to revise them periodically to keep them up-to-date with changes in the external environment and our business structure.
The upheaval caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is finally settling down, and economic activity is trending toward recovery all over the world. Although surging raw materials costs including energy prices is still an ongoing issue, investments in energy and environmental fields geared toward a sustainable future are increasing, and demand for upgrading aging social infrastructure is robust. As a result, we now have even more opportunities to harness the strengths of our Group.
We believe that all the businesses we operate in a wide variety of domains are either directly or indirectly linked with solutions to social issues. Through the further expansion and evolution of our business domains, we feel that we will contribute toward various issues concerning the entire planet as indicated in the SDGs. As a business operator in the construction industry, we are pursuing sustainable growth and increases in business value by forming stronger, deeper “connections” not only with our customers but also with our partners cooperating with us in each business and with our colleagues who comprise our Group, with safety and security first and foremost. I look forward to our stakeholders’ continued understanding and support for our Group.
Tetsuya Funabashi President & CEO