Process to determine our materiality
To determine our materiality, we first referred to international standards such as the GRI Standards and identified social issues. After that, we involved Group employees in scoring and workshops to rate the importance of issues along the two axes of “importance to stakeholders,” and “importance to our company.” Based on the proposals created through these efforts, we consulted with outside experts, outside directors, and outside statutory auditors, and then reflected their opinions in preparing the final proposal. After considerations in the Management Council and Board of Directors, we made the official decision on May 19, 2023.
Identify social issues |
Prioritize the issues |
Dialogues with internal and external stakeholders |
Decision by management |
Materiality matrix

Note: According to the results of “Scoring by Group employees” in Step 2. “Opening up new possibilities as a global player” was added in Step 3, and is therefore not included in this chart.