EXEO EXEO Group,Inc Sustainability Website

Quality control & customer safety and health

Quality control policy

Under the Quality Control Policy of the Exeo Group management system policies, the Group advocates “providing workmanship and service that satisfy customers’ quality requirements” and has defined “implementing measures to prevent the occurrence of equipment accidents that absolutely cannot occur,” and “working in systems for Construction Business Act compliance (contracts, quality) necessary for business expansion” as two priority measures.

Based on this policy and these priority measures, we are defining the measures for each of our organizations to implement and working together as a whole to achieve them.

Quality control policy

Providing workmanship and service that satisfy customers’ quality requirements

Organizational structure for quality control

We implement quality control with the general manager of Safety and Quality Management Headquarters serving as general manager of quality control. For internal audits involved in quality control, the Safety Center director implements management inspections/on-site inspections and reports the results to representatives of the Group.

Organizational structure for quality control

Managerial post Applicable job title Role
Group representative President
  • Approving the Group’s quality control policies and targets
  • Give instructions for improving results of implemented priority measures
General manager of quality control General Manager of Safety and Quality Management Headquarters
  • Formulating the Group’s quality control policies, targets, and priority measures
  • Roll out priority measures for the Company’s headquarters/branches and major subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to as “each organization”), and report the results to representatives of the Group
Supervisor of quality control Head of each organization
  • Implement priority measures and report the results
  • Formulate and implement internal measures
Quality controller General managers of sales,
general manager of design, general manager of construction
and general manager of safety and quality management in each organization
  • Quality control by department and quality control involved in sales operations, design and development operations, construction operations, and internal inspection operations in each organization
Manager of internal audits Safety Center Director
  • Implement management inspections/on-site inspections and report the results to representatives of the Group

Utilizing ISO 9001

We are striving to acquire quality management system ISO 9001 certification and implement management systems to standardize operations and make them more efficient.

Acquisition status of ISO 9001 quality management system certification

Applicable standards Date of registration Last updated Expiration Applicable scope
JIS Q 9001:2015 February 22, 1999 September 1, 2023 September 14, 2026 Exeo Group, Inc., Exeo Tech Corporation, and Daiwa Densetsu Corp.

Quality control plans

In order to successfully implement quality policies and achieve the relevant targets, the Group defines measures to implement on a Group level (hereinafter referred to as “priority measures”) and measures to be implemented in each organization respectively, and also formulates quality control plans.

Priority measures implemented on a Group level

Measures for each organization to implement

Operations inspections & internal audits

In manuals, the Group specifies operator inspections and process inspections to be conducted by construction managers in order to ensure quality in outsourced processes. Construction departments also conduct executive patrols and construction manager patrols in order to ensure construction quality.

Additionally, the Safety and Quality Management Headquarters Safety Center conducts internal audits to verify whether these quality control operations are being conducted effectively. Internal audits are conducted in the forms of management inspections and on-site inspections, and the results are reported in settings such as executive safety meetings.

FY2023 surveillance results

Severe non-conformity 0 cases
Slight non-conformity 0 cases
Observations 14 cases

* Investigation duration: June 6-August 3, 2023

* Scope of investigation: Exeo Group, Inc., Exeo Tech Corporation, Daiwa Densetsu Corporation

Exeo Solution Proposal (ESP) System

In 2004, we introduced a system called Exeo Solution Proposal (ESP) which allows us to actively discover proposals that can change perspectives without being bound to the way work is currently done or tasks currently handled. Around 10,000 proposals regarding improvements, efficiency, safety, and quality have been submitted annually.