EXEO EXEO Group,Inc Sustainability Website


Our Group’s materiality is broadly comprised of four material topics, which are further divided into 17 material subtopics. We are also flexibly accommodating future changes in society by making periodical revisions to our materiality.


Materiality for value creation

Materiality as the basis of our value creation

Materiality for value creation

Solutions to social issues by “connectivity through engineering”

  • SDGs7
  • SDGs9
  • SDGs12
Solutions to social issues by “connectivity through engineering”
Material subtopic Why is it important?

Material subtopic

Achieving a carbon neutral society

Why is it important?

Operating an environment-related business that helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reducing the environmental impact of our own business activities are pressing social issues

Material subtopic

Contributing to circular economies

Why is it important?

Efforts toward waste reduction and efficient resource usage and recycling are social expectations on a global level

Material subtopic

Building and maintaining infrastructure that serves as the foundation of society

Why is it important?

Our Group’s mission is to continue providing the infrastructure that supports industry and people’s lives, leveraging the high product quality and strength in building information and communications infrastructure honed since our establishment

Material subtopic

Contributions and building good relationships in local communities

Why is it important?

Work to deliver solutions to environmental and social issues facing local communities through our business, and help to energize and revitalize communities

Material subtopic

Advancing digital transformation in construction

Why is it important?

Leverage DX to reform construction processes, improving operational efficiency while providing new added value to make the construction industry itself more appealing

Materiality as the basis of our value creation

Creating workplace environments in which diverse human resources can thrive

  • SDGs4
  • SDGs4
Creating workplace environments in which diverse human resources can thrive
Material subtopic Why is it important?

Material subtopic

Developing and promoting human resources who drive value creation

Why is it important?

Achieve continuous growth by creating opportunities to develop employees’ capabilities from a medium- to long-term perspective and working dedicatedly on human resources development

Material subtopic

Safety and health for all working people

Why is it important?

Striving to eliminate occupational accidents and create workplace environments where employees can work with both physical and mental health is the highest priority in our business operations

Material subtopic

Respecting diversity and creating workplaces conducive to working with vitality

Why is it important?

Harness the capabilities of individuals in fair workplaces where nobody is ever subjected to disadvantageous treatment due to their gender, nationality, race or due to disabilities or life events such as childbirth or parenting

Material subtopic

Boosting productivity by advancing DX

Why is it important?

Raise productivity by reforming work processes and shift resources to value-creating work to contribute to solutions for customers’ issues while making business more efficient

Fostering a company culture that generates innovation

  • SDGs8
  • SDGs9
Fostering a company culture that generates innovation
Material subtopic Why is it important?

Material subtopic

Encouraging quests into the unknown and diligent technological self-improvement

Why is it important?

Provide solutions to social issues such as climate change, aging infrastructure, and declining populations by using cutting-edge technologies to tackle new challenges

Material subtopic

Establishing brand value as a Group

Why is it important?

Increase promotional communication internally and externally to boost our brand value as a Group and expand business opportunities while raising employee engagement

Material subtopic

Opening up new possibilities as a global player

Why is it important?

Contribute to society on a global level by pioneering means for solutions to many types of social issues by solving the problems facing each country and community

Material subtopic

Alliances and collaboration with diverse partners

Why is it important?

Build and maintain partnerships based on trust to boost business efficiency, expand new business, and grow together with our partners

Relevant pages :

Fair, highly transparent governance

  • SDGs5
  • SDGs16
Fair, highly transparent governance
Material subtopic Why is it important?

Material subtopic

Ensuring soundness and transparency in governance

Why is it important?

Drive continued growth and increased business value for the Group through efforts to ensure soundness and transparency in our business operations

Material subtopic

Ensuring thorough risk management and compliance

Why is it important?

Accurately classifying and judging business-related risks and taking measures to counter them while continuously working to observe laws, regulations, and corporate ethics is the foundation of corporate management

Material subtopic

Bolstering information security for both physical items and people

Why is it important?

Ensuring information security is fundamental to business operations and prerequisite for continuity in an information society where the entire world is linked instantaneously

Material subtopic

Respecting human rights

Why is it important?

Respecting the basic rights of all people and not tolerating discrimination is the basis of a company’s very existence