EXEO EXEO Group,Inc Sustainability Website

Respect for human rights

Exeo Group Human Rights Policy

Exeo Group, Inc. and Group companies recognize, in accordance with our Group philosophy of "Cultivating Technological Capabilities, Seeking Affluence and Contributing to Society," that respect for human rights is an important corporate social responsibility for all aspects of our business activities. We will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by fulfilling this responsibility.

In order to engage in efforts geared toward respect for human rights in this manner, we have established the Exeo Group Human Rights Policy based on the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights adopted by the United Nations Human Rights Council. We are dedicated to complying with this policy throughout our entire value chain.

Exeo Group Human Rights Policy

Applicable scope of Human Rights Policy

This policy applies to officers and employees (including contract and temporary employees) of all Group companies including overseas companies. We also request that the Group’s customers, suppliers, partner companies, and other business partners understand and support the policy.

Commitment to respecting human rights

As a company operating globally, the Group supports the following international covenants and treaties that have been adopted as common standards for all people and countries to achieve.

We also comply with the laws and regulations applicable to each country and region in which we conduct business activities. In case there is a conflict between internationally recognized human rights and the laws and regulations of each country or region, we will seek ways to respect international human rights principles while taking these local laws and regulations into consideration.

Efforts to address basic human rights issues

The Group engages in efforts to address the following basic human rights issues and thoroughly ensures that all our officers and employees comply with them.

(1)Diversity & inclusion

(2)Promoting health and productivity management & improving work environments

(3)Harmony with local communities

(4)Protecting privacy


This policy is administered by the Sustainability Committee, which includes the CEO, and its initiatives are led by the Sustainability Promotion Office of the General Affairs Department.

We consider respect for human rights to be an important sustainability issue, and the Sustainability Committee regularly reports to the Board of Directors on the status of human rights due diligence efforts.

Efforts to respect human rights which are related to noteworthy human rights issues are reported to the Board of Directors to be discussed and monitored.

Human rights due diligence

The Group will respond appropriately if our business activities cause or contribute to any adverse impacts on human rights. We also strive to prevent or mitigate negative impacts on human rights which are directly linked to our businesses, products, or services through business relationships, even if they do not advance any negative impacts.

In order to fulfill our social responsibility to respect human rights, we will build and both regularly and continuously implement a human rights due diligence framework.

In operating this system, we will revise and improve it as necessary based on the advice of external experts and organizations as we work toward ensuring an effective human rights due diligence process.

Corrections / remediation

We will establish a framework in the Group to provide a consultation service to remedy and correct any adverse human rights impacts that the Group has caused or contributed to. We will take into consideration the following items when establishing the consultation service.

Disseminating, instilling, and educating about our Human Rights Policy

To establish this policy throughout our business activities, the Group regularly provides education to our officers and employees including information and training on issues related to human rights (including but not limited to topics such as harassment, forced labor, and child labor).

The Sustainability Promotion Office of the General Affairs Department repeatedly sends out messages about respecting human rights to officers and employees, informing them about our basic concept of respect for human rights and sharing examples of issues.

We also endeavor to instill understanding of this policy in our business partners and other parties associated with the Group's businesses, products, and services.

Dialogues with stakeholders and information disclosure

The Group continuously engages in dialogues and discussions with external experts and internal and external stakeholders on how to address any adverse impacts on human rights caused by our business activities.

We will periodically revise this policy based on changes in the external environment and the results of the aforementioned dialogues and discussions, and work to enhance our efforts to respect human rights. We will also regularly disclose our efforts to respect human rights based on this policy on our website and other media.

This policy was approved at a meeting of our Board of Directors in January 2024.

January 2024
Tetsuya Funabashi
President & CEO
Exeo Group, Inc.

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