Work style reform
Basic approach
The Group is engaged in work style reforms, with the Human Resources Department playing the leading role.
With the aim of proper management of working hours and rectifying long working hours, labor representatives and top management have issued a joint declaration and are working on reforms to comply with labor related laws and regulations, promote flexible work styles, improve operational efficiency across the organization, and maintain and promote physical and mental health by raising employee awareness and implementing specific measures. We are also working to realize diverse and flexible work styles through means such as the establishment of a regional key position system (a system for regionally assigned employees) and a teleworking system.
For the new lifestyles and new working styles recommended by the Japanese government, we are striving to create a work environment where everyone can work with peace of mind and enthusiasm through efforts including: (1) review of operations (business inventory, business evaluation, etc.), (2) improvement of the environment (PC, work environment, etc.), (3) consideration for health and wellbeing (development of a system for supporting mental health, etc.), (4) enhancement of systems (review of commuting styles, establishment of an expenses policy for working from home and for working from remote locations, etc.).
Boosting productivity through digital transformation
Utilizing IT infrastructure, AI technologies, and other common tools across the Group including Office 365, we are working to improve sales capabilities, business efficiency, quality, safety, and comfort while aiming to boost productivity in a noticeable way, not only for employees but for our partners as well.
In doing so, we have defined strengthening our DX implementation system, horizontally rolling out successful DX cases, and developing DX human resources, as the three issues to be addressed.
* Microsoft, Office 365, and Microsoft Teams are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.
Promoting telework
In July 2018, we made significant revisions to our telework regulations, allowing employees to make use of work from home, work at satellite offices and mobile work in more flexible ways. The new external satellite shared office that we began using in March 2019 has also expanded our available options for work locations. During the pandemic, we eliminated our restrictions on the number of times telecommuting can be used, as well as restrictions on the scope of employees eligible to use the system. This led to a substantial increase in the number of our employees who used telecommuting. We will continue working to promote usage among employees, including active participation in initiatives such as Telework Days.
In recognition of these efforts, in November 2018, the company was selected as one of the 2018 Top Hundred Telework Pioneers by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.