News News Release

Notice of Merger of the Group Companies in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area and Change of Their Trade Names

February 13, 2024

EXEO Group, Inc. (head office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; Tetsuya Funabashi, President; hereinafter "the Company") announces that it has decided to merge Shinyei Tsushin Co., Ltd. (head office: Itabashi-ku, Tokyo; Masayuki Miura, President), 3Crex Co., Ltd. (head office: Arakawa-ku, Tokyo; Yasuyuki Anazawa, President) and Exeo Mobile Corporation (head office: Ota-ku, Tokyo; Hachizo Sato, President), the group's subsidiaries operating business in the Tokyo metropolitan area, on April 1, 2024 and change their trade names to EXEO Engineering, Inc.

The Group's basic policies are optimizing the operations of the group companies and maximizing sales and profits including those in new fields through business activities by taking advantage of its presence in various fields and areas, the multi-skilling of engineers and the full leveraging of its resources. With this in mind, (REF) our Group will successively implement a range of measures, including the integration of its group companies.

【Contact for inquiries】
Public Relations Team, Corporate Communication Unit, EXEO Group, Inc.
TEL. +81-3-5778-1075