Privacy Policy

EXEO Group, Inc. (“the Company”) has a wide range of operations and handles a lot of personal information and specific personal information.
The Company believes that it bears the responsibility to society to protect this information properly and takes the following steps:


The Company will continually provide education and training to officers and employees and will appoint information management supervisors in each department that handle personal information and specific personal information to manage personal information properly.


The Company will take necessary and proper security countermeasures and preventive and corrective actions against the risk of unauthorized access to personal information and specific personal information and the leaking, loss or damage of personal information, among other risks.


The Company will handle the personal information of customers and employees within the range that is approved in advance and handle specific personal information within the range specified by laws and regulations, will not use personal information beyond the range of uses that are necessary for achieving its purposes (will not use personal information for purposes other than originally intended), and will take appropriate steps to prevent its use for purposes other than originally intended.


The Company will not provide personal information to a third party other than outsourcers and subcontractors unless approved by the relevant individual or permitted by laws and regulations and will not provide specific personal information, etc. unless permitted by laws and regulations


If the Company outsources or subcontracts work that will use personal information or specific personal information, etc., it will choose outsourcers or subcontractors that meet information protection requirements. The Company will then set out appropriate security measures in contracts or will take appropriate security measures by other means.


The Company will comply with laws and regulations related to the protection of personal information and specific personal information, the guidelines set by the national government and other codes and will strive to continue improving its personal information protection management system.


The Company will respond to inquiries about the privacy policy or personal information and specific personal information, requests for corrections etc., complaints and consultation through a contact specified separately.

Established on March 7, 2005
Revised on June 21, 2019
EXEO Group, Inc.

President&CEO T.Funabashi