Connecting people, cities, and businesses.
What does “connect” mean?
Delivering what is needed for a fulfilling life.
Bringing together different elements to create new value.
Becoming a bridge to the future we aspire to.
With this “power of connection,” EXEO Group will enhance people’s daily lives, enrich cities and communities, and accelerate business growth.
Step by step, we will change tomorrow and continue to bring the benefits of connectivity to all.
Leveraging our technical capabilities to connect a richer society through the development of communication infrastructure like 5G, construction of renewable energy and urban infrastructure, and promotion of DX for client businesses and government.
Responsible for the construction and operation of communication infrastructure in Japan and globally.
Building infrastructure that supports society, including renewable energy.
Providing diverse solutions using cutting-edge technology.
Founded in 1951, we started by connecting Japan nationwide with electricity and telephones. Evolving with the times, we have expanded our activities beyond communications to urban infrastructure and ICT (Information and Communication Technology), continually contributing to solving social issues and enriching people’s lives.
EXEO Group addresses social issues and contributes to solving them through our business, achieving sustainable growth together with society.