News News Release

Awarded Silver in the PRIDE Index 2023, which evaluates LGBTQ+ initiatives

November 13, 2023

EXEO Group, Inc. (head office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; Tetsuya Funabashi, President) announced that it was awarded silver in the PRIDE Index 2023,* which was established by the voluntary association work with Pride and sets indexes for the evaluation of initiatives addressing the issues faced by sexual minorities including LGBTQ+ people (hereinafter, "LGBTQ+ Issues") in workplaces. This is the fourth consecutive year for EXEO Group, Inc. to be awarded, following bronze in 2020 and silver in 2021 and 2022.

Details of our initiatives
We promote diversity & inclusion as a management strategy for the revitalization of the organization. As one of these initiatives, we conduct the following regarding LGBTQ+ Issues:

1. Stipulation of policies regarding LBGTQ+ Issues for their public announcement internally and externally
- Top management stipulates the fostering of a culture that accepts diverse values, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, etc. in its declaration of diversity and inclusion.
2. Promotion of the understanding of LGBTQ+ Issues
- Prepare a handbook for understanding LGBTQ+ Issues and an ally recruiting poster and distribute them across the Group
- Create original ally stickers designed by employees
- Publish the World Legal Systems' Handling of Sexual Orientation map in the company magazine to remind employees working overseas or visiting overseas about them.
- Provide LGBTQ+ understanding training by transgender people
3. Creation of an environment that enables LGBTQ+ people to work comfortably
- Delete the gender field from our employee recruitment form, pay extra consideration regarding health insurance cards, allow the use of common names, repair the all-gender restroom in the head office building, etc.

4. PR activities promoting society's understanding of LGBTQ+ Issues
- Implement initiatives and measures promoting understanding in the industries we belong to.
- Sponsor Tokyo Rainbow Pride 2023 and Rainbow Festa! 2023 (Osaka) and participation in the parade
In comprehensive recognition of these initiatives, we have been certified for the fourth year in a row.
We will promote ESG initiatives including diversity and inclusion aiming to foster mutual acceptance of a wide range of values regardless of characteristics such as gender, belief, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity and the sustainable growth of the company.

*About PRIDE Index 2023
The index was established by work with Pride in 2016 as the first effort in Japan to evaluate workplace LGBTQ+ initiatives. It's goal is to create workplaces that enable LGBTQ+ people to work comfortably, operating beyond the boundaries of corporations and organizations in Japan. The index is composed of five items aligned with the letters of "PRIDE."
1. Policy: Declaration regarding conduct
2. Representation: Community for concerned parties
3. Inspiration: Enlightenment activities
4. Development: Personnel systems and programs
5. Engagement/Empowerment: Social contributions and PR activities

(Reference) work with Pride website

【Contact for inquiries】
Public Relations Team, Corporate Communication Unit, EXEO Group, Inc.
TEL. +81-3-5778-1075