Increasing the ratio of renewable energy in the energy mix

Biomass business

We conduct field investigations, design and construction of wood biomass boilers to enhance the utilization of wood biomass energy, which has drawn attention as a renewable source of energy.


Biomass boiler in Hachimantai City
Biomass boiler in Kaneyama Town
Photovoltaic (PV) Business

We propose an optimal plan for customers based on our rich experience in installation. We provide installation and maintenance for general houses, companies and public facilities, including site surveys, designs, installation and operations. We also have our own facilities to reduce the environmental impact.

<Cases>Our Own Facilities

EXEO Group, Inc.
Seibu Electric Industry Co., Ltd. 
Shimabara Power Plant (Approximately 1.3MW)

Reducing hazardous chemical substances, as well as mitigating air, water and soil pollution

Focusing attention on “water,” an essential element for our lives, and the “waste” produced from our lives, we engage in the construction and operation of water treatment facilities for domestic and industrial wastewater and waste treatment facilities. Through the business, we strive to reduce the discharge of hazardous chemical substances, as well as the pollution of air, water and soil.


Water treatment plant
Waste treatment facilities operated by Kinoumi Area Treatment Facilities Association

Avoiding adverse effects on marine and coastal ecosystems

We have contributed considerably to constructing a social infrastructure of a new era utilizing our long-cultivated underground civil engineering technology.An example in this area is the horizontal directional drilling of submarine telecommunications/ power cables, which can bypass a long distance of seabed at places such as fishing grounds and coral reef sanctuaries, preventing damage caused by pipes or cables.


Horizontal Directional Drilling (Earth Shuttle)

Providing a Reliable Modern Energy Service at a Low Price

Together with Tepco Customer Service Corporation Limited, we won the “Energy Conservation Center, Japan’s chairman prize in product and business model category” for energy conservation service provided by electricity retailers using IoT in FY2017 Energy Conservation Grand Prize.

We were recognized for the TCS Enemane Service, the air-conditioning control type energy conservation service, and the Cloud Type Energy Control Platform technology we provide to achieve it. TCS Enemane Service successfully achieves energy conservation while resolving energy conservation issues that small and midsize business operators face, such as maintaining comfort, reducing field operations, and attenuating the criteria for introduction.

Conservation Activities for Mountain Ecosystems, Including Biodiversity

We concluded and maintained the Hojin-no-Mori contract in order to contribute to the maintenance of forest resources, taking into consideration the importance of forests.


EXEO no Mori  (EXEO forests)
C-CUBE  no Mori (C-CUBE forests)
Seibu no Mori (Seibu forests)